Play modes Internal Sequencer modeInternal Sequencer modeIn Internal sequencer mode, Phoscyon uses the internal bank of patterns. This setting is stored within the host applications project. Play modes External Sequencer modeAccent velocity levelIn Externalsequencermode,soundsareaccentedwhentheirvelocityexceedsacertainvalue.Belowthisthreshold value, sounds are played without Accent.Youcanchooseoneoftheavailablepredefinedthresholdvaluesfrom the Options panel, Synthesis tab, Current accent velocity level group: The user can also specify the amount of Slide. In other words, the user can only play one note at a time. This means that during play (triggered by a MIDI Note On), if another note comes(anotherMIDINoteOn),thefirstnotestopsplayingimmediatelyandthenextonestartstoplay.Betweenboth notes a Slide is executed with the time set by the Slide time knob. Only parameters controlling the sound, Distortion effect and the Arpeggiator work in this Mode. A MIDI Note On message triggers the sound and MIDI Note Off message ends it. In this Mode the plug-in acts as a regular sound module. Play modes External Sequencer modePlay modesExternal Sequencer modeClicking the Int.Seq diode in the Seq box changes Phoscyon from using its internal sequencer to using notes from the host sequencer. To read more about preset management go to chapter Preset Management. The Preset section on GUI is used for navigation throughthe preset bank.

Overview Preset managementThe Preset browser tool is provided to simplify the organization and use of Presets. Overview Preset managementDistortion parametersĪnd Volume parameter are stored in a Preset. Preset managementAll the sound parameter settings (cutoff, resonance, etc.) The next few chapters describe both of the sequencer Modes in detail. External In the Off position Phoscyon uses notes coming directly from the host sequencer to generate sound. Notes coming from the host (or using white keys from music keyboard on GUI) are used to control the order in which patterns play. Phoscyon works in two modes: Internal In the On position Phoscyon uses the internal sequencer. switch allows selection of the sequencer Modes. Overview Work modes Preset managementWork modesThe Int.Seq. Internal sequencer Responsible for editing patterns in Int.Seq. Overview Distortion Distortion effect unit to further process sound. These are responsible for Phoscyon synthesis control.Īrpeggiator To process incoming notes from sequencer (in External mode), or from internal sequencer (in Internal mode). Sound control section The next row contains one switch and twelve knobs. These are responsible for selecting the plug-in Mode, MIDI learn and preset management. OverviewPhoscyons interface is split into the following parts: Control module On the top of the GUI there is a row of controls. OverviewOverviewAfter loading the plug-in into the host application, the Phoscyon Graphic Interface will appear: